Guest Fee Policy

Guest Fee:  $15 Per Play

Each member is allowed to bring as many guests to the club as he/she wishes during the tennis season. Under no circumstances, however, may any guest play at Oakmont more than three times per tennis season. A maximum of three guests per sponsoring member are permitted to play concurrently, but these guests must all play on the same court with their sponsoring member. At no time may a guest occupy a court if his/her sponsoring member is not also playing on that same court.

Guest Sign-In Policy

Before play, the member must enter his/her name and the guest’s name in the sign-in book located on the table inside the clubhouse. Envelopes are located near the sign-in book. Write the member’s name and the guest’s name on the envelope. Place the $15 fee in the envelope and seal it. Deposit the envelope in the gray-colored mailbox  attached to the deck railing outside the clubhouse. Guests must adhere to all club rules, which are available on the Oakmont Tennis Club’s website.