Organized Play
We offer organized play and events for all levels of players, from beginners to advanced, for newcomers as well as long-time members. There’s something for everyone! Be sure to check out our kids programs and clinics, too!
Weekday Mornings Ladies Multi-Level Doubles
A multi-level Ladies Doubles Round Robin plays every weekday morning at 8:30 AM during June, July and August, and at 9 AM in September and October. Elaine Conner organizes and coordinates this group. Members email her their available dates of play one month at a time. Then she emails the resulting schedule, along with a players contact list, to everyone in the group each month. If a player doesn’t want to commit to any particular days during a certain month or months, she may sign up as a sub. If interested, contact Elaine by May 15 at / 610-366-4179.
Weekday Mornings Men's Intermediate Doubles
An intermediate level of doubles play for players with a USTA rating of at least 3.0. Informal matches are played 2 or 3 mornings a week at 8:30 AM in the summer and 10:30 AM in the Fall, starting late May through October. Howard Kuritzky organizes and coordinates this group. Howard sends a weekly email to the players who have expressed an interest. If you are available and want to play, just reply back to Howard. He will then organize play based on the number of players who have responded. If interested, please contact Howard at to be added to his email distribution list.
Monday Evening Advanced Doubles
An elevated level of doubles play for advanced players with a USTA rating of at least 3.5. Play is every Monday at 6 PM, starting early June through October. Eric Butz organizes and coordinates this group. Eric sends an email every Wednesday for play the following Monday evening to members who have expressed an interest. If you are available and want to play, just reply back to Eric. He will then organize play based on the number of players who have responded. If interested, please contact Eric at / 484-347-7746 to be added to his email distribution list.
Tuesday & Thursday Intermediate/Advanced Evening Doubles
Doubles play for intermediate to advanced players with a USTA rating of at least 3.0. Play is every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 PM during June, July, August, and September. There is a cost of $25 if you play one or both nights. Shari Butz and Dave Bobb organize and coordinate this group. Members must sign up prior to May 15. Cookouts (hot dogs, hamburgers, drinks, etc.) on the deck will follow after play several times a season. This is casual, fun tennis, and a great opportunity to get to know and mingle with other members. Contact Dave at / 610-703-1803 to be added to this group.
Wednesday Evening Intermediate Doubles
Doubles play for players who consider themselves advanced beginners up to intermediate, although there is no player ability limit. This group is intended for those who have primarily attended clinics and now want to experience participation in structured play. It’s also a great way to meet and network with other players of similar abilities. This is fun, casual, and welcoming tennis. Sue Zimskind organizes and coordinates this group. Play begins early June and continues through October, with a 6 PM start time. To participate in this group, contact Sue at / 484-802-8228.
Friday Evening Multi-level Doubles
Doubles play for players of all levels. Players will be paired with others who offer a competitive and challenging, yet fun, match. Bring your favorite dish or drink for others to enjoy after the tennis. An email will be sent early in the week to all members who have expressed an interest. If you’re available and would like to play that week, all you need to do is RSVP to the email. Play will start early June and end in October. Contact Kiernan at / 484-319-0195 to join this group.
Sunday Morning Multi-Level Doubles
Doubles play for players of all levels. Players will be paired with others who offer a competitive and challenging, yet fun, match. You do not need to register, just show up. Play will begin in May and end in October. The time is 10:00 AM, but be aware that it might change during the season depending on the weather and other activities going on at the club. Contact Jon Pranitis at / 484-707-6993 if you have any questions.